Saturday, November 8, 2008


I don't want to remember
About what happened
The pain experienced
Shall never be forgotten

Time stood still
The tears did not fall
The moment lasted forever
Even now

I stood there
As she walked away
After this all ended

The rain
It fell slowly
Every drop hitting me
Hard as hail

The moonlight receded
Behind the blanket
Of dark thick storm clouds

I stood there
My mind racing
Faster and faster
While time passed by slowly

And although my mind
Was moving at the speed of light
I stood there
Under the chaos

I stood there for minutes
After the chaos unfolded
Right before my eyes
And for the world to see

I got into my car
And slammed the door
Inserted the key
And fired up my engine

I tore out
Exceeding the speed limit
Not caring which direction I went
Where I ended up

I could of cared less
Just how fast I was going
Just how slick the soaked streets were
Just how this could end

And now here I am
Above it all
Watching the aftermath
Of the chaos that I created

Telling you all
The story of
The day...
The day that I died.