Sunday, October 19, 2008

7.08.10/SAVIOR_SELF |

As I have said, people in this world need to be saved. However, there are people who asked to be saved, to be helped, and I say to those select people, "Save Yourself." Now, as heartless as that may sound at first, believe me, it isnt, as I will soon explain.

There are the people who have legit problems, and then there are people who have problems who ask for help, who dont deserve it because their problems dont lie in other things, they lie inside of them. And their problems that they need "saving" from, all they must do is look in a mirror, and they will see what exactly is wrong with them.

The problem with these people are that they are too lazy, self-centered, or just dont care if they are complete annoyances, if they are rude, or simply if they are jacka**es. These people, they ask for help, they ask for guidance, they dont need it. They have the power to chance themselves, but instead they would rather waste someone elses time, just to humor themselves.

I'm going to play out one situation that I'm sure a lot of people can relate to. Take a guy who is having trouble with relationships, and even after advice after advice, nothing happens. He keeps coming back, wanting advice that never seems to be put to good use. The guy comes back for more advice, and starts going on the same song and dance about his relationship problems, how he cant get a girlfriend. Well, after giving countless advice, at this stage, there is only one alternative, and that is setting the guy straight, and making him face reality. He needs to be told that maybe it's not that he cant get a girlfriend, it's that he just has problems with his arrogance, and immaturity...

Lets move onto another situation. A boy at school has no friends. It is almost like no one at his school likes him, let alone cares to be around him. He comes home one day after school and starts complaing, like usual, telling his parents that everyone at school picks on him, and he has no friends at all. This story is so familiar to the parents, it seems as if they have this routine down to the word. Usualy, the parents will tell their son that "Kids can be cruel and mean, theyre just jealous of you." But today is different. So tired of hearing this story from the boy, the mother decides to be harsly truthful and cut the boy off in the middle of his sentence by saying "Have you ever wondered that the kids at school dont like you because you can be rude and hateful alot?" The boy did not speak a word. He felt hurt as he stood there, letting the truth sink in.

I could go on and on dreaming up various scenarios, but I believe that these two short stories will suffice. So the next time you are in a possition where you are approaced by someone who has problems that they can fix themselves, just say two words: "Save Yourself." And for those who have problems you know you have and can easily fix youself, remember two simple words: "Save Yourself," because thats what you need to do, Save Yourself.

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