Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Past

The Past
How can one escape it?
While one lives in the present
Moves toward the future
No matter how hard one tries
There is no way to escape
The Past

The things one does
The mistakes
The accidents
The regrets
While left behind
Are always by one's side

In the present
In the future
It travels with one's self
In one's head

A memory
A flame
That never dies
That keeps going
Just like the pink bunny
That never needs recharged.

It's haunting
Moreso than The Shining
It affects one's life
Day in
Day out

No matter how hard
One tries
One will always fail
For this is one fighter
That never falls.

So long as there is
The eternal hourglass
It will never go away
For the sands of time favor
The Past.

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