Sunday, October 19, 2008

The End

The end is near
Time is running out
Live life to it's fullest
For the days are counting down to
The end

I can see the Horsemen
Four to be exact
Riding in the skies
Thunder trailing
Casting a dark red shadow
Upon this Earth

The ground is shaking
Tearing itself apart
With hellfire reaching up
To pull souls down
Incinerating it's victims
Who shall save us?

The temperature is burning
Hotter and hotter
It is rising rapidly
The heat is coming
To engulf us all

Everything is catching
Catching on fire
Everything is coming
To a closure
For the Apocalypse
Is upon us all

So here I am
Writing a record
Of the final day
In closure of this record
My last words are

The end.

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