Sunday, October 19, 2008


Saving, it's something we all need. I believe that the first step we must take to save ourselves is to save the world. Now, I'm not talking about "superhero save the world," or "take out Al Quieda save the world" (although that would be nice). I'm talking about the enviroment. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food in which we consume, it is all being poluted and while the word is getting out via Hybrid cars, recycling and the like, it is not happening fast enough, and it is not making a true international impact.But here is how you can make a impact. While it wont be a global impact, or even a national impact, it will be a impact good enough that you will feel good about making it.

There are many ways one can save the enviroment. These include but are not limited to recycling, reusing materials, using low energy lightbulbs, walking more/riding bike more, making eco friendly decisions while buying cars, as well as using water less, and not leaving lights on unnessesarly.

Solar energy is another great way to conserve energy while helping the enviroment. While solar panels and other solar equipment can cost a bit, in the long run, you will be saving much more energy than you could think possible.

Gas prices, it's something we all are having to deal with. Prices rising to nearly 4 dollars a gallon, it is insane and it is a crisis that is making everyone consider alternative transportation methods.
Fuel emissions, it's another automobile related crisis that is very important at this point in time. It has prompted people to take notice, and, just as the gas crisis, it is making everyone consider alternate transportation methods. Now, there are many simple ways you can help with saving money on gas prices, and cutting down on fuel emissions. You can ride your bike, you can walk, you can choose to buy a hybrid vehicle, you can carpool, and/or you can ride a bus, train, or the like.

I'm going to delve deeper into the enviroment a little bit more, as it does cover a wide range of topics and things. One thing that I have noticed, that is highly unnessesary is tree clearing in once and soon not to be forests. When I moved from Southern California to Northern Idaho, I notices so much widespread tree clearing, it was insane, and I thought that it was sad to see. And the reason for increased clearing is because of one thing, lack of recycling. Many people forget that paper CAN be recycled. Now, I do not have a problem with clearing so long as the company that clears the trees replants new trees. But when companies go out clearing happy and take down more trees than nessesary, it makes me think of one word and one image "greed" and the almighty dollar.

Glass is another resource that is not seen reused much. Glass, if reused and/or recycled can be taken a long way to helping the enviroment. Let me use an example. When Walt Disney Imagineering was in the planning stages of the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage at Disneyland Park, imagineers came up with a solution to the painting problem that they had with the old version of the famous attraction. They decided to use a somewhat new approach by painting not with pure liquids, but with glass instead. Thats right, the entire lagoon is painted with glass to give the same, if not better effect normal paint will give, but without having to repaint as often. Now, I'm not telling you to go paint your bedroom, your house, or the like with glass, what I am doing is giving an example of how glass can be used as a renewable resource that will be used for years to come.

-Brandon Anderson

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