Sunday, October 19, 2008


There are some people on this Earth who need to be saved, because they have problems that they can not solve. However, the people with these problems are too proud to go and get these problems fixed. Well, a lot of the time, if the problems are not fixed, you may not be able to be saved.

Lets take a simple problem, and work our way up. A man, who we will call "Steve" is having car problems, but he is too proud to take the car to the mechanics, so he attempts to work on it himself. Well, he works, and he works, and he works, spending money on the car himself to fix it. He goes to start the car, and nothing. After all the hard earned money spent on trying to fix his car, Steve got nothing. So he finally called to get the car towed to the mechanics. After getting the car fixed, Steve got the bill for total repairs made, and noticed that the price was less than what he spent money on trying to fix the car himself. He was stunned.

Lets go to another household and another person in need of help, we will call her "Carol." Carol needs help in fixing her pipes in her house, but instead of calling a plumber, she feels that she must do it herself. So, she works and works all day, trying to fix the problem, with no success. Carol, after working all day, comes across a pipe under the house that she thinks may be the cause of the problems. So, she untightends a bolt connecting the pipe to another pipe, and within seconds, hot steam comes straight out of the two pipes, hitting Carol's face. She winds up in a hospital with burns to her face. It will take weeks for the damage to heal. This of course, would not of happened if Carol had only called a plumber.

And onto our last story. We find who we will call "Bill," sick as a dog watching TV. Bill had been sick for about 2 weeks prior to this day. His wife, who we will call "Anne," comes into the living room and tells Bill that he needs to see a doctor so that he can find out what is wrong and get better. Bill replies "No, I will not see a doctor, I dont trust them... Besides, I can get better without seeing a doctor." Anne, unhappy with what her husband had said, sighed in dissapointment, hugged him, and went into the kitchen to prepare supper. That night, the two, as well as their two children ate a hearty and filling dinner. All night as the two slept, Bill kept coughing in his sleep, but finally, he stopped. Anne went back to sleep. The next morning, Anne woke up before Bill did. Surprised, she tried to wake him up, no response. She looked at his face, which was pale as a ghost. She felt his heart, no beat. She immediately called 911. As soon as she did that, she rushed her two kids out for school. As they walked to school, they saw police car zoom by in the opposite direction, followed by a fire engine and a paramedic. They thought nothing of it, and kept walking. When the paramedics got to the house, they tried to revive him, but it was long overdue. The paramedics determined that he died in his sleep, due to his sickness. "If only he had seen a doctor, this could had been avoided," said one responder.

Now, granted some of these were "out of the box," but I'm sure that you get the point. So next time you need help, or "saved," be proud to get help, dont be proud of youself. Who knows, you may just wind up like Steve, Carol or Bill...

-Brandon Anderson

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