Sunday, October 19, 2008

Aftershock Ride Count - 2008 Season

Alright, you may be asking yourself, "Why are you counting how many times youve ridden Aftershock this season?" Well, here's a good reason. Many Six Flags Great America (the park Aftershock came from) fanboys and ride operators send me hate mail weekly that go along the lines of "fuck silverwood", "aftershock is gunna breakdown" and "it alwayz brokedown here". So, I want to prove to the haters how Aftershock will be more reliable in the hands of Silverwood. That and piss them off more than they already are . So this will (hopefully) be updated everytime I ride Aftershock for this season.
EDIT: The main reason now for this was to keep track of how many rides I had in comparison to Nate.
July 21, 2008 (Aftershock's Opening Day)
7 rides including first public train - 7 rides total

July 22, 2008
3 rides - 10 rides total

July 29, 2008
7 rides - 17 rides total

August 4, 2008
3 rides - 20 rides total

August 11, 2008
8 rides - 28 rides total

August 27, 2008
22 rides - 50 rides total

September 27, 2008
1 ride - 51 rides total

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